
Sunday May 01, 2022
Sunday May 01, 2022
This episode is the audio for a YouTube video that initially ran on April 27, 2022. Please take a moment and help us out — even if you don’t watch us there, subscribe to our YouTube channel today!
In this episode, Mike and The Honcho welcome longtime Friends Of The Program and Total Action Force collaborators Brian Hickey and Paddy Lennon back to the show to talk about Volume 2 from their series, which is funding on Kickstarter NOW! The project is about 80% funded and needs your help in its final days! LISTEN and PLEDGE TODAY!
You can view the project on Kickstarter at: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/brianthehick/total-action-force-vol-2-international-heroes
You can watch this episode at: https://youtu.be/auV4-OzVSFA

Monday Nov 29, 2021
Special Edition 72: TeamStream 11/26/2021 (w/Brian Hickey & Paddy Lennon)
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
This episode is the audio for a YouTube episode that initially ran on November 26, 2021. TeamStreams run every Friday at 9 pm on the WOJM YouTube channel, barring unforeseen circumstances or holidays. Please take a moment and help us out — even if you don’t watch us there, subscribe to our YouTube channel today!
No, it wasn't live, but it was certainly lively! With Joe and Mark out of the country for the Thanksgiving holiday, Mike sat down with Total Action Force: The Battle Years authors Brian Hickey and Paddy Lennon to reflect on the success of this Kickstarter publishing project and their career as toy historians, and to help plot their dream heist! Plus, the new Special Edition segment Five Easy Questions! Listen TODAY!
You can watch this episode at: https://youtu.be/fNc5QqDSCt8

Monday May 24, 2021
WOJM 168: YouTube TeamStream 5/21/21 (w/Brian Hickey & Paddy Lennon)
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
This episode is the audio for a YouTube TeamStream that initially ran on May 21, 2021. TeamStreams run every Friday at 9 pm on the WOJM YouTube channel, barring unforeseen circumstances or holidays.
When Irish eyes are smiling, it's because you backed their Kickstarter! Brian Hickey and Paddy Lennon make their long-awaited return to the program to talk about their latest book project, Total Action Force: The Battle Years - funding until June 4! Plus, the gang gives their first impressions of the new teaser trailer for Snake Eyes: GI Joe Origins!
Back Brian and Paddy TODAY at:
You can watch this episode at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHHfLCVchjY

Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Special Edition 70: Deadlines!
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
It's an episode full of deadlines, as Aaron Detrick stops by the WOJM Studios to kick off the countdown to The Super Ohio Toy Show! Taking place on a day that many bird-watchers refer to as Superb Owl Sunday, the SOTS will be at the Holiday Inn in Fairborn, Ohio (site of last year's Ohio Toy & Comic Show and COIL Con) from 10 am to 3 pm on February 2. Don't drive angry to get to this one - it's the first big toy show of the year, and the gang at ROMA Collectibles will be debuting their second Animal Warriors Of The Kingdom exclusive, Tomans the Bog Warrior! This show is no frills but all thrills!
In Part Two of this episode, Bobby Vala is back first to personally debunk any rumors concerning the Jazwares GI Joe contract, but then to remind everyone that 11:59:59 PM on January 31 is your ABSOLUTE last chance to back the Valaverse Action Force CrowdOx! This project is fully funded and ready to go, but since all the backers need to select their figures, Bobby's taking new orders as preorders in CrowdOx! Get your pre-orders in for the Original 1:12 Military Action Figure (TM) TODAY!
PLEASE NOTE: Mike and Bobby talk about the possibility of Eclipse funding, but Eclipse was officially pushed back to Wave 2 earlier today. Sorry for any confusion.
Contact WOJM:
Email- whatsonjoemind@gmail.com
Voicemail- 262-515-9656
Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/whatsonjoemind
Twitter- @wojmpodcast
Instagram- @whatsonjoemind
YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjSMX6aDD5X4nqYmFJLNyjQ
Etsy- https://www.etsy.com/shop/WhatsOnJoeMall

Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Special Edition 66: Action Force Kickstarter 2 - Electric Boogaloo
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Mike and Joe catch an hour with Bobby Vala in advance of the relaunch of his Action Force Kickstarter this Friday, October 18! Bobby takes the cast through the pledge levels, add-ons, and stretch goals of the project - as well as REVEALING HOW YOU CAN GET THE SPECIAL STEEL BRIGADE OFFICER'S HEAD! Time is of the essence on that limited exclusive piece, so be sure that you're listening closely!
Since Mike (our editor) is traveling to COIL Con this weekend (be sure to stop in and say hello if you're in the Dayton, Ohio, area), the only way to get this episode up before the launch was to take a page out of the old Gary Godsoe Fast & Dirty Playbook... that's right, there was no time for editing this one, so pardon the long pauses and occasional verbal flubs. (Blame Joe.)
Contact WOJM:
Email- whatsonjoemind@gmail.com
Voicemail- 262-515-9656
Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/whatsonjoemind
Twitter- @wojmpodcast
Instagram- @whatsonjoemind
YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjSMX6aDD5X4nqYmFJLNyjQ
Etsy- https://www.etsy.com/shop/WhatsOnJoeMall

Friday Aug 30, 2019
WOJM 117: This Episode's Title Has Been Trademarked
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Friday Aug 30, 2019
With Joe prepping for Dragon Con and Carson lost to his workload, Mark Weber and Bobby Vala return to the WOJM compound to host the first episode with not one, but TWO former Hasbro heads-of-the-brand! It's over three hours of GI Joe content as our intrepid crew sails the sea of Snake-Eyes movie news, IDW comic happenings, and Postsac letters! This episode also takes a nostalgic turn as Mike talks about cast turnover and gives tribute to the end of a colleague's podcast, and Mark relives the best advice he ever got from his veterinarian. Jerry Lewis may be gone, but your Labor Day weekend marathon is RIGHT HERE!
Contact WOJM:
Email- whatsonjoemind@gmail.com
Voicemail- 262-515-9656
Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/whatsonjoemind
Twitter- @wojmpodcast
Instagram- @whatsonjoemind
YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjSMX6aDD5X4nqYmFJLNyjQ
Etsy- https://www.etsy.com/shop/WhatsOnJoeMall

Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
WOJM 114: Into The Valaverse
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Valaverse founder and former GI Joe brand manager Bobby Vala joins Joe and Mike as Spring, um, springs into action! They talk about the all-new Valaverse Action Force (Bobby's upcoming Kickstarter project), of course, and this episode is chock full of fun to spare. Enjoy:
- A progressively-tipsy Joe Colton!
- A new creepy contender to Cot Guy!
- New Postsac letters!
- The WOJM-exclusive reveal of the Deadpool Twenty!
April is shaping up to be a busy month at the scenic WOJM Compound, be here for all of it! Be sure to visit valaverse.com to see images of the Valaverse's Action Force! Download us and spread the word today!
Contact us!
- Email: whatsonjoemind@gmail.com
- Voicemail: 262-515-9656
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/whatsonjoemind
- Twitter: @wojmpodcast

Friday Jul 01, 2016
The Full Force - SERIES 3 - Episode 3
Friday Jul 01, 2016
Friday Jul 01, 2016
Looking over our shoulders at JoeCon and with Roll Out Roll Call just around the corner, we join Gary Godsoe and Erik Arana to discuss both shows in hilariously intimate detail!! Justin Bell brings us all the news and modern toy reviews courtesy of General's Joes and Chris gets a royal grilling from Eddie about his JoeCon experience!! We end this one with an epic shout out list but we are pretty positive we missed a ton of people out and apologize profusely in an attempt to remain friends!! Thanks to everyone for making JoeCon 2016 an absolute pleasure to attend and thank the Heavens we have two more years of it left!! See you at Roll Out Roll Call 2016 or failing that, frickin' DISNEY WORLD.......FULL FORCE!!!

Monday Aug 10, 2015
TFF Special Edition #8: Another Boss Fight Special!!
Monday Aug 10, 2015
Monday Aug 10, 2015

Saturday Jul 18, 2015
The Full Force - SERIES 2 - Episode 2
Saturday Jul 18, 2015
Saturday Jul 18, 2015
It's that time again! Your favourite neighbourhood (ed note: favorite neighborhood spelled correctly for us Americans - 'MURICA!) International Heroes return with yet another jam-packed podcast. This time around we feature the news, an interview with noted author James Kavanaugh Jr. and a figure review/from the vault dealing with Z-Force's very own communications specialist, Breaker. Throw in what we got up to over the last month and what we've been buying and you've got yourself a show!! So, grab a cuppa, sit back and relax with three country bumpkins as they discuss the finer points of what is essentially a sub-genre of a niche product!! FULL FORCE!!

Monday Jun 01, 2015
The Full Force - SERIES 2 - Episode 1
Monday Jun 01, 2015
Monday Jun 01, 2015
The gang are back with another instalment of your favourite UK-based, Action Force & G.I. Joe podcast. This episode, Chris, Dave and Eddie speak to customiser and caster, Raginspoon. They also chat with Kate Kirkwood and Marc Callison with regards to Kate's awesome 12-inch scale Roboskull and Red Wolf customs and we discuss FSS card art, comics and crazy collections with talented artist, Adam Riches. As well as all of that, there's the news, a figure and vehicle review, from the vault and what we got in to gas about too!! Join us for cheeky frolics and lots of hairy boll.......WAIT......FULL FORCE!!!

Wednesday Apr 08, 2015
TFF Special Edition #6: Joecon Prepisode
Wednesday Apr 08, 2015
Wednesday Apr 08, 2015
With Joecon 2015 right around the corner, Dave and Chris chat about their impending journey into the depths of Springfield, Illinois and speculate about the show exclusives in this pre-episode or prepisode as Dave calls it. We will be bringing you content from the road trip and the show itself so stay tuned and, as always.....FULL FORCE!!

Tuesday Oct 07, 2014
TFF Special Edition #4: Roll Out Roll Call 2014 Pre-Show Special
Tuesday Oct 07, 2014
Tuesday Oct 07, 2014
With Dave AWOL, Chris and Eddie discuss the finer points of Roll Out Roll Call with two very special guests. Erik Arana from Boss Fight Studio and What's on Joe Mind's very own Mike Irizarry join the boys in a chat about what to expect from this years show. Be there or be square......FULL FORCE!!

Tuesday Oct 07, 2014
Episode 8: The Full Force
Tuesday Oct 07, 2014
Tuesday Oct 07, 2014
Join the gang as they celebrate their anniversary (plus three months) with another awesome podcast! Muton is the star of the show as we highlight the Red Shadows indestructible robot trooper in the figure review and Boss Fight Builds. The news is old but we talk about it anyway, including SDCC, RORC, GIJCC FSS 3.0, BFS KS and any other acronyms you can think of!! Expect hilarity and mayhem as we enter into the fray for more.......FULL FORCE!!

Tuesday Jun 24, 2014
Episode 7: The Full Force
Tuesday Jun 24, 2014
Tuesday Jun 24, 2014
The UK's finest are back to discuss news of the FSS 3.0, Roll Out Roll Call, the 50th anniversary and Boss Fight Studio's Kickstarter campaign. We also focus a figure review and Boss Fight Builds segment on the Z-Force Captain, Skip and add the longest 'what Eddie got in' and 'shout-out' segments we've ever made!! Get involved with your International Heroes and enjoy another slice of your favourite British show since Benny Hill!! Oh yeah........FULL FORCE!!

Tuesday May 06, 2014
TFF Special Edition #3: JoeCon Special Pt3
Tuesday May 06, 2014
Tuesday May 06, 2014
In the 3rd and final part of The Full Force's trip to JoeCon, Eddie asks the questions as Dave and Chris are joined by Boss Fight Studios. Hear what happened over the weekend as the G-14 classified information is spilled under minimal pressure. Strap in for another hilarious chat before we revert back to the regular format next month or the 'shout-outs episode' as we have dubbed it. Enjoy the show and as always.......FULL FORCE!!

Thursday Jan 02, 2014
Episode 4: The Full Force
Thursday Jan 02, 2014
Thursday Jan 02, 2014
The boys from the UK are back with the latest edition of The Full Force! Enjoy!

Saturday Oct 26, 2013
Saturday Oct 26, 2013
Join Mike, Gary, Eddie, Chris and Dave (when he decided to sit down) as they do a "jointcast" show in front of a live studio audience at Roll Out Roll Call 4 in Southampton UK. In segment 1 we will introduce the respective shows. In segment 2 we commentate on the costume contest. In segment 3 we interview RORC Special Guests - the guys from Boss Fight Studios. In segment 4 we dip into the mailbag. Lastly we wrap it up with what we got in and shout outs. Its a quick typical WOJM show, just with an accent. Enjoy!!

Monday Sep 30, 2013
Episode 2: The Full Force
Monday Sep 30, 2013
Monday Sep 30, 2013
They're back! Join Dave, Eddie and UK Chuck...er, I mean Chris as they educate, entertain (used loosely) and inform you of the world of Action Force. You'll also get the latest up-to-date news in concerns to Roll Out Roll Call 4 - Europes LARGEST Transformers, GI Joe and Action Force convention!! Be sure to follow them on Facebook and Twitter!

Thursday Jul 25, 2013
Episode 1: The Full Force
Thursday Jul 25, 2013
Thursday Jul 25, 2013
Episode 1 of The Full Force is here. Join Dave, Chris and Eddie and they as they interview James Marshall from Blood For The Baron (dot com). Later they are joined by Mike, Justin and Gary from the WOJM mothership to talk a little Action Force history. All this plus the gang from Boss Fight Studios to talk about Action Force customizing! If you liked the pilot, you will love this FIRST regular installment of TFF!!